
As of October 2020, Sofia Rüdiger has taken over as new webmaster of the ISLE site. Many thanks to Thorsten Brato for his years of service to the ISLE community!

The 2020 Richard M. Hogg Prize was awarded to Raquel Romasanta for her paper entitled "Negation as a predictor of clausal complement choice in World Englishes". 

Maryam Nasseri received an honorable mention for "Is postgraduate English academic writing more clausal or phrasal? Syntactic complexification at the crossroads of genre, proficiency, and statistical modelling".

23rd March 2020

 Dear Colleagues

 Joensuu Conference 2020

 ISLE members will not be surprised to learn, that in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mikko Laitinen and his team have had to take the difficult and hugely disappointing decision to postpone this year’s conference.

 Mikko and his colleagues are posting/have posted various pieces of information about registration fees etc on the conference website, to which members should refer. More information about the rescheduled conference will follow in future communications.

 I know that Joensuu colleagues have taken this decision with very great reluctance, after exploring various options including going ‘fully virtual’. But after they had weighed up possible alternatives with much care, a postponement seemed the most appropriate way forward.

 As current president of ISLE, I should like to put on record that I agree entirely with this decision, which in the circumstances seems to me by far the best solution in the current circumstances. I should also like to thank Mikko and other Joensuu colleagues for the huge amount of work they have put into preparing for this conference so far; I appreciate how tough this decision will have been for them. When this episode is over, I will look forward eagerly to raising a glass with our good friends in Eastern Finland, and thanking them in person for everything they have done, and continue to do.

 I should also like to take this opportunity of saying personally to the whole ISLE community, and to their family and friends: at this difficult time, and in addressing the societal challenges that will undoubtedly follow, take care, and stay safe.

 Yours sincerely

 Jeremy Smith

(University of Glasgow)

President of ISLE

The deadline for submissions for the Richard M. Hogg Prize for 2020 has been extended until 15 April. Click here to find out more.

Dear ISLE members,

As organizers of the upcoming ISLE 6 conference in Joensuu, we are currently closely monitoring
the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Right now, we are still some 12 weeks from the conference,
but as we all have seen, various international events have been affected by the growing risks related
to the virus.

As organizers, we follow the situation based on the guidelines of the Finnish Institute of Health and
Welfare. They work closely with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
and the World Health Organization (WHO), assessing the health risks related to the virus.
Up-to-date information on the coronavirus in Finland can be found at

As of 6 March, the authorities estimate that the risk of infection in the EU countries is moderate, and
currently no specific measures or restrictions on travel or international trade are planned.
The situation may of course change rapidly, and we want to communicate the situation with you
transparently and quickly. In case the situation changes, we will inform you of any travel restrictions
and recommendations by the authorities through the ISLE website ( and
through the ISLE 6 website at We also assume that all of you monitor the situations

We currently take the following actions:

  • Keep a close eye on the situation in Finland/Europe and in the neighboring regions.
  • All the decisions regarding the conference arrangements will be based on the information
    available through health authorities in Finland and in Europe.
  • We are currently considering extending the early bird period for registration to early May so
    please check for any updates at the conference website.
  • No final decisions are made, but similar to many other conferences this year, we are working
    on enabling alternative ways of presenting contributions digitally in case some contributors
    will not be able to travel because of travel restrictions.
  • As per the information we currently have, we are planning to have ISLE 6 as scheduled.
    We hope that all of you understand this situation.

In case you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact at

9 March 2020 in Joensuu

Mikko Laitinen and the entire ISLE 6 team

The deadline for abstract submission for ISLE 6 has been extended to 14 November 2019.

Submit your paper here.


ISLE6: 2nd Call for papers - Plenaries - Workshops

Find the second call for papers and info on the plenaries and workshops on the conference page.