Search for research themes
Members of ISLE can choose to create a brief profile of their current research activities for publication on our website. Each profile may contain up to 5 'themes', and each theme may include any number of keywords.
We aim for this page to be a showcase of research in English Linguistics. It will enable members to get in touch with others working on related research topics.
Morpho-syntactic variation and change
Integrating syntactic theory into variationist analysis of morpho-syntactic phenomena to understand the underlying structure of variation and the processes of change
- Expires after: 01-01-2200
- Keywords: Syntax,Variation,Language Change
Analysis of syntactic /grammatical complexity measures in academic and non-academic discourse
My current research is about the analysis of syntactic/ grammatical complexity measures in academic and non-academic discourses using corpus linguistics methodologies and techniques.
- Website:
- Expires after: 01-01-2080
- Keywords: Syntactic Complexity,Syntactic Complexity Measures,Academic Writing,First And Second Language Acquisition,Complexity,Corpus Linguistics,Grammar Writing,Syntax,Statistical Methods Of Syntactic Analysis
The BE-passive in Gibraltar English
The study of the BE-passive in Gibraltar English, with a focus on grammatical variation, socio-cultural pragmatics and language contact.
- Website:
- Expires after: 31-05-2029
- Keywords: Corpus Linguistics,Dialectology,Grammatical Variation,Language Contact,Language Identity,Pragmatics,Sociolinguistics,Synchronic Linguistics,Syntax,World Englishes
Language contact and grammatical change in early English
How much is early English syntax shaped by contact with Celtic and Norse? My Konstanz inaugural lecture (see link) gives an overview of some of my work on this so far.
- Website:
- Expires after: 01-10-2028
- Keywords: Historical Syntax,Language Contact,Language Change,Old English,Middle English,Syntax,Historical Linguistics
English historical syntax, in relation to Information Structure and Discourse.
- Website:
- Expires after: 30-09-2028
- Keywords: Information Structure,Discourse-pragmatic,Syntax,Diachronic Variation,Diachronic Linguistics
When the verb does and doesn't come second.
- Website:
- Expires after: 01-07-2028
- Keywords: Syntax,Historical Linguistics,Corpus Linguistics,Old English,Middle English,Historical Syntax,Grammar
Null subjects
Is the subject expressed, or not?
- Website:
- Expires after: 01-07-2028
- Keywords: Syntax,Corpus Linguistics,Historical Linguistics,Old English,Historical Syntax,Grammar
Have a bite, have a bash, have a taste and a smell : a study of atypical light verb constructions in Modern and Contemporary English
PhD thesis
- Website:
- Expires after: 31-12-2027
- Keywords: Light Verb Constructions,Semantics,Syntax,Construction Grammar,Analogy,Historical Linguistics
Development of corpus based l2 syntactical errors analysis framework for predictive segmentation
Checking essays written by students is a time-consuming task. In addition to detecting spelling and grammar errors, educators also need to report predictive segmentation. This study focused on one suc
- Website:
- Expires after: 30-09-2027
- Keywords: Corpus-Based,Syntax,Error Analysis,Computational Linguistics,L2,Essay Writing,Predictive Segmentation
Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers
Collaborative research project on a (mainly) 18C archive, involving network relations, verbal syntax, and other literary and linguistic strands.
- Website:
- Expires after: 01-01-2026
- Keywords: Diachronic Linguistics,Historical Sociolinguistics,Editing,Syntax
Recent change
Explaining a recent use of so in spoken British English, namely as a discourse marker conveying acceptance of an invitation to take the floor and give an explanation.
- Website:
- Expires after: 01-01-2026
- Keywords: Discourse-pragmatic,Diachronic Variation,Recent Change,Prescriptivism,Syntax
Uses of the auxiliary be in The Mary Hamilton Papers (with Tino Oudesluijs)
BE is the auxiliary undergoing most change in the second half of the 18th century. Among structures of interest are the passival, the progressive in main clauses, untensed use of BE as semi-modal.
- Website:
- Expires after: 01-01-2026
- Keywords: Auxiliary,Grammaticalisation,Syntax,Historical Correspondence,Historical Linguistics
Constructionalizing Conversation: Collaborative and Auto-Insubordination in English Language Podcasts
My PhD explores language use in podcasts through the lens of Interactional Construction Grammar, focusing on frequently insubordinating words because and which in dialogic and monologic settings.
- Expires after: 31-12-2025
- Keywords: Construction Grammar,Conversation Analysis,Insubordination,Pragmatics,Syntax,Spoken Language
Language Mixing in Medieval England
The project investigates language mixing in historical documents from medieval England. Its results contribute mainly to syntaxctic theory, comparative hsitorical linguistics and digital humanities
- Website:
- Expires after: 10-09-2020
- Keywords: Diachronic Linguistics,Diachronic Variation,Historical Linguistics,Language Contact,Multilingualism,Morphology,Syntax
Diachronic morphosyntax of English
I am particularly interested in investigating the relationship between loss of inflection and syntactic change in English.
- Website:
- Expires after: 31-07-2019
- Keywords: Diachronic Linguistics,Grammar,Historical Linguistics,Variation,Morphology,Diachronic Variation