ISLE Research Network

Search for research themes

Members of ISLE can choose to create a brief profile of their current research activities for publication on our website. Each profile may contain up to 5 'themes', and each theme may include any number of keywords.

We aim for this page to be a showcase of research in English Linguistics. It will enable members to get in touch with others working on related research topics.

Use your own keywords or choose ISLE member / Linguist List keywords:

Variation studies

I am interested in the interface between variation studies (synchronic and diabronic) and typology, geolinguistics, and psycholinguistics

  • Expires after: 01-01-2030
  • Keywords: Synchronic Linguistics,Diachronic Linguistics,Variationist Linguistics

English historical syntax, in relation to Information Structure and Discourse.

Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers

Collaborative research project on a (mainly) 18C archive, involving network relations, verbal syntax, and other literary and linguistic strands.

Discourses of Religion in early modern Britain: lexicons of controversy and conflict

What are the ‘keywords’ to be found in anglophone works of religious controversy, instruction and devotion during the medieval and early modern periods?

  • Expires after: 01-08-2025
  • Keywords: Corpus Linguistics,Diachronic Linguistics,English Historical Linguistics,Cultural Linguistics,History Of Scots,Lexicology

Weak verbs in old Northumbrian

My PhD project investigates the old Northumbrian weak verbal paradigm, specifically the morphology of weak verbs 2. Data collected from the interlinear glosses to the Lindisfarne & Rushworth Gospels.

  • Expires after: 30-04-2025
  • Keywords: Old English,Language Contact,English Historical Linguistics,Diachronic Linguistics,Historical Sociolinguistics,Language Change,Mixed-Effects Modelling,Morphology,Middle English,History Of English,Philology,Sociolinguistics,Quantitative Methods

Ælfric’s Old English Admonition to a Spiritual Son: Text and Context

dissertation project: text edition of unique Admonitio text in MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 76, 55–67v, s. xi1

  • Expires after: 31-03-2025
  • Keywords: Diachronic Linguistics,Old English,Text Edition,Historical Pragmatics,English Historical Linguistics